LA4 Foundation

Mission Statement

To empower our youth to develop a healthier mind and elevate overall knowledge and discipline of self.

LA4 Approach

High Performance Mindset is a major part of LA4’s goal for the youth in our programs. During the pandemic and during quarantine, we found that youth were struggling with mental strength, anxiety, and depression. National studies show 30% of all college students report feeling so depressed it's difficult for them to function and 7% indicate they seriously considered suicide in the previous 12 months. The LA4 Foundation will teach communication skills and conflict and bully resolution. We have skilled teachers and trainers on staff who teach through

meditation and learning to cope with their everyday obstacles.


When I first started working out with Mario, I was 15 years old and had extremely low self esteem when it came to my athletic abilities. No matter how many coaches saw the potential in me and how hard I worked on the court, I couldn’t find the belief in myself to think I was good enough to play at the college level.

Mario not only took my athleticism to the next level through his diverse and personalized workouts, but he changed my mindset. The thing that sets him as well as the LA4 foundation apart from the rest is the mental conditioning I worked on to believe in myself. I always had the abilities to compete at a high level, but I just never had the trust in myself that they were there. Mario helped me realize that I am my harshest critic and that I only have to live up to the standards I set for myself, not anyone else.

I am currently 19 years old and a rising sophomore in college at Texas Christian University. I play beach volleyball for them and we are currently ranked 6th in the nation. I still can’t believe the changes I have made sometimes from having no faith in myself to being at one of the top 10 beach volleyball schools in the nation.

All athletes are different but for me, LA4 foundation was one of the best things that happened to me on my journey to the next level of athletics and I couldn’t be more thankful for everyone that believed in me and made me believe in myself.

Success Story

Success Story


I met Mario Lovett when I was 15 years old. As a young man trying to navigate life, I hit a serious bout with depression. I couldn’t talk to even my closest friends, but I was a player on LA4 Foundations travel basketball and had a great mentor and coach. Mario and LA4 gave me a safe place to talk about my feelings and my personal struggles with weight gain, and school challenges. Mario showed me patience while sharing his personal stories and letting me know I CAN come through it. I began to build up my self-esteem, and to become physically and mentally strong.

I knew I had to help other young people as Mario had helped me. Currently, I am a Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Performance Coach at Legacy Athletics in Tampa. I attribute a big part of my success to Mario and The LA4 Foundation!


As I reflect on how Legacy Athletics has helped me get to where I am today, I don’t just think about how it has completely helped me grow into the player I am today, but it has helped me grow as a person as well.

I was a completely different person when I first stepped into LA4 years ago. Over the years this place has taught me how to push myself past my limits, overcome challenges, embrace the hard times, work hard for things I want in life, believe in myself, and find the good in absolutely any situation that is thrown at me. This gym is more than just a workout room, it’s surrounded by people that want you to succeed at anything you put your mind to, while pushing you to become the best version of yourself.

One thing that I will forever carry with me is how the word “can’t” is banned in the gym because Mario make’s people believe in themselves that they can do the impossible and there isn’t anything you “can’t” do.

Mario isn’t just an amazing trainer that will completely change your game and push you past limits you never thought were possible, because without a doubt that will happen, but I think the biggest reason that makes this place amazing is the culture. The culture is absolutely unbeatable and life-changing. Mario automatically puts me in a better mood the second I walk through the door with his big smile and caring personality, and I promise he will do the same for you.

Success Story

Success Story


Coach Mario taught me life lessons that I will never forget. One of them being to believe in myself! I was an overconfident 10th grader when I was introduced to LA4 and Mario through other players who had been through his program.

I went to try out for LA4 and was met with a very honest Coach Mario, who quickly identified what kept me on the bench. I needed to work on my accountability and communication skills.

I wanted to play H.S Varsity Basketball then onto a D1 college and believed I was ready. I had been on basketball teams throughout the years that didn’t give me much playing time and I was growing impatient. Coach Mario believed in me, and he didn’t waiver from telling me I COULD make it, but I would have to put in the work on and off the court.

Mario’s patience, understanding and consistent positive attitude helped me pull through and have success in High School, winning two NCAA DIVII College titles, and two years on a TBL Pro Team. I just graduated from College with a Degree in Exercise Science, and I am pursuing my masters in Exercise Science. I owe a big part of my growth to The LA4 Foundation!

Success Story


I started going to Mario in 2017. Since then, he has become one of the most important figures in my life.

Most trainers don’t recognize the significance of balancing both physical and mental health, but Mario executes both to a T. Without his guidance, I would not be half the person I am today.

The past 5 years with Mario has been the most fulfilling experience, and I would not trade my time spent in his studio for the world. I am proud to say that with Mario’s help, I compete as a D1 volleyball player at Cornell University.

Board of Directors

Mario K. Lovett, Sr.

Founder & CEO

Mario Lovett was born and raised in Tampa, FL. He attended Leto High School, then the University of Central Florida. On his way to attaining a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from UCF, he left a trail of basketball records and all-conference accolades.

Lovett continues to hone his skills to best help others. He has been recognized as:

  • A Certified Fitness Trainer
  • Member of the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)
  • A Master Trainer from the National Federation of Personal Trainers (NFPT)
  • A Certified Performance Exercise Specialist from the National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM)

His passion has always been to help an athlete develop mentally and physically.

He works to spread his reach to even more of our community youth.

April Palmer

Executive Director

Rodney Ryans


John Phillips, Esq.

Board Member

LA4 Foundation

Together we can make a difference!

The LA4 Foundation is on a mission to raise $44,000. These funds are important for us to provide transportation, purchase AV equipment, educational tools, fill our food closet, more training equipment, purchase computers for our after-school program and so much more.

Venmo: @Foundation-LA4


Do it 4 tha Love!

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The LA4 Foundation

5135 W. Cypress St.

Suite 103

Tampa, FL 33607
